To my recollection, there must have been, at least once in this suspension of time we call the past, a philosopher fascinated by the music of the spheres.
If such philosopher ever existed, why are you, at this precise moment, assuming that music implies sound? Isn't there a more logical oblivion in the Equator, rather than in the conventional obviousness of the Greenwich Meridian? Maybe some magnetic force?
Even if we consider Beethoven, the sitting man, deaf by his piano, we have to admit that yes, music implies sound. Not necessarily when composing it, but at least, when listening to it. What would music be if there were no one to listen to it?
If there were really music in the spheres, throughout space, have you ever considered that none of us could ever hear it? Sound does not propagate through vacuum, its waves go no further with the absence of air.
Thus being, whenever someone suggests something about there being an invisible light, in my mind I am considering the possibility of the existence of these particular unhearable sounds but, even more, of these spheres whose shape no one can actually ascertain.
I also remember a certain sociologist, Gustave LeBon who, in the turn of the XX Century, came up with a very interesting subject we still have not yet exhausted, because we are Humans, and Humans have a harsh time getting tired of themselves. The peculiar book he published, the "Psychology of the Crowds" makes me think.
What if what we call the absolute truth in the universe were none other but a generalized convention? We know it is, to some extent, especially when we consider that Science has found the perfect pretext to logically explain what it, itself, cannot explain through its own methods: when cornered, it always reverts to Quantum Physics.
In this sense, the world, the truth, the universe are, indeed, what we believe them to be. This, in its turn, would mean that the more people believe in something, the more truthful it would become. If we were all to believe, for a mere example, in the existence of extraterrestrial life, the more plausible it would become.
If you agree with this, you will probably also agree that, in accordance, even the most atrocious lie would become true, were we to believe in it.
And, ultimately, that's the importance of Democracy for you to wonder about. That must be why there are so many people believing in it.
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